Battalion CDR
C/LTC Ava Spence
Command the battalion at all formations. Prepare for and conduct the training of the battalion on drill days. Maintain a direct and personal relationship with the staff and the company commanders.

Battalion XO
C/MAJ Mariel Sanchez
The cadet battalion executive officer (XO) supervises, directs and coordinates the cadet battalion staff to prevent overlapping efforts and ensures the commander's' intent is understood and achieved.

Battalion CSM
C/CSM Alexa Hamlin
The battalion command sergeant major is the principal cadet enlisted assistant to the battalion commander. As the senior enlisted member of the cadet corps, the command sergeant major supervises the other noncommissioned officers (NCOs) of the battalion and companies.

Deputy CDR
C/MAJ Kris Brockington
The Deputy CDR assists the Battalion CDR with Jobs around the battalion. They also prepare the battalion for the upcoming JPA Inspection.

Battalion S-1
C/CPT Madisyn Tanner
The battalion adjutant is the administrative assistant to the battalion commander. The adjutant is also responsible for performing other administrative duties as assigned by the battalion commander, battalion executive officer, or the instructor staff.

C/SGM Alejandro Larrea
The Battalion OPS SGT Major assists the S-3 with Jobs around the battalion. They are next in line if the CSM is not present.

Battalion S-4
C/CPT James Keller
The battalion logistics or supply officer is responsible for the maintenance, security, record keeping, issue, and turn-in of all U.S. government property (except ordnance). The S-4 coordinates the securing of property with the S-2.

Battalion S-2
C/CPT Riley Mulligan
The battalion S-2 assists the battalion commander and the instructor staff in matters pertaining to unit security and enforces the provisions of the security requirements for the battalion.

Battalion S-3
C/MAJ Alex Erb
The battalion S-3 assists the battalion commander in planning, preparation, conduct, and supervision of all events and training activities of the battalion. Additionally, the S-3 keeps the commander advised on the progress of events and training.

Battalion S-5
C/CPT Sharon Vargas
This officer acts as the contact between the corps of cadets and all news media and student publications. This officer publicizes as many of the activities of the Army JROTC program as possible to create an outstanding image of the cadet battalion and to reinforce the image of the school.

Alpha CDR
C/CPT Ariana Sanchez

Alpha XO
C/1LT Sumayyah Hicks

Alpha 1SG
C/1SG Makayla Fingal

Bravo CDR
C/CPT Avery Jenn

Bravo XO
C/1LT Marissa Welch

Bravo 1SG
C/1SG Josiah Harris

Charlie CDR
C/CPT Will Gonzalez

Charlie XO
C/1LT Jaleal Bernard

Charlie 1SG
C/1SG Wilmar Ramos